We have places available in our Nursery for September. Please do get in touch if you're interested! | Check out our Facebook page for the latest updates |

School Policies

Since April 2022, legal COVID restrictions have been removed and schools were provided with generic advice to support managing any cases that arise. Our school continues to have a very low incidence of COVID reported cases. Our previous Risk Assessments (from April 2022) remain in place, and can be found at the bottom of this page.
In the event we need to move to Remote Learning, for any reason (COVID or otherwise), we will follow the principles set out in our Remote Learning Contingency Plans (which are enacted if closed for more than one day due to weather/emergency, or immediately for health/DfE mandated reasons).
General Policies
Accessibility Plan.pdf
Admissions - links to page on this website
AntiBullying and AntiRacist Policy.pdf
Attendance Leave of Absence Request Form
Attendance Leave of Absence Request Form EDITABLE.docx
Attendance Policy
Behaviour Policy
Breakfast Club Policy.pdf
British Values.pdf
Calculation Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf
Child Protection Handbook 2023-24.pdf
Child Protection Policy 2023-24 UPDATED APRIL 2024.pdf
Collection from School School Parent FORM.pdf
Collection from School School Policy.pdf
Collective Worship Policy.pdf
Complaints Policy
Data Protection Policy (GDPR).pdf
Data Retention Policy and Schedule.pdf
Debt Recovery Policy.pdf
Equalities Policy
Exclusions Policy
Feedback Policy.pdf
Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Schedule.pdf
Governor Allowances Policy.pdf
Governor Code of Conduct.pdf
Governor Visits Policy.pdf
Guidelines for adult helpers and visitors.pdf
Health and Safety Policy.pdf
Home Learning Policy.pdf
Intimate Care Policy.pdf
Lettings Policy.pdf
Online Safety Policy.pdf
Prevent Risk Assessment.pdf
Prevent Strategy Statement.pdf
Privacy Notice for Governors and Trustees.pdf
Privacy notice for Parents.pdf
Privacy Notice for pupils.pdf
Privacy notice for staff.pdf
Privacy notice for suppliers.pdf
Privacy Notice for Visitors.pdf
RE Policy.pdf
Relationship and Sex Education Policy.pdf
Safer Recruitment Policy.pdf
SEND Policy and Report
Sex and Relationships Education Policy
Statement of Behaviour Principles 2023.pdf
Subject Access Request Policy.pdf
Uniform Policy
Values and SMSC Policy
Policy Updates and Risk Assessment for Covid-19